San Patricio County Business directory
> United States > Texas > San Patricio County
San Patricio County entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here with address, operation hours and ratings. You can enlist your own company entry or association on this page.
San Patricio County entries
There were 4143 entries found
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Cities & surrounding
San Patricio County branches and surrounding
- Business Directory
- Portland
- Ingleside
- Aransas Pass
- Sinton
- Mathis
- Taft
- Odem
- Gregory
- Taft Southwest (historical)
- Ingleside On-the-Bay
- Saint Paul
- Lake City
- Lakeshore Gardens-Hidden Acres
- Morgan Farm Colonia
- Rancho Chico
- San Patricio
- Edroy
- La Paloma Addition Colonia
- Lakewood Heights
- Lakeside
- Doyle
- Del Sol Colonia
- Edgewater-Paisano
- Tradewinds
- Paisano Park Colonia
- Loma Linda Colonia
- Midway
- Del Sol-Loma Linda
- Sunkist Country Estates Colonia
- Wendy Acres Colonia
- Third Hidalgo Colonia
- Third Rancho Chico Addition Colonia
- Rancho Chico Addition Colonia
- Algodon Colonia
- Sherwood Forest Colonia
- Whispering Oaks Estates Colonia
- Sunrise Acres Colonia
- Friendswood Acres Number 1 Colonia
- Hilltop Acres Colonia
- Friendswood Acres Number 2 Colonia
- Tierra Buena Colonia
- Saint Paul Estates Colonia
- Ewelder
- Kenney Lane East Colonia
- Kenney Lane West Colonia
- Saint Paul Number 1 Colonia
- Old Ingleside Colonia
- Bethel Estates Number 1 Colonia
- Fifth Hidalgo Colonia
- Roosevelt Colonia
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Economic activity December 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of San Patricio County in this month. This month 80 companies were registered, 49 were updated and 46 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of San Patricio County with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Geographic information
Place name: | San Patricio County |
Latitude: | 28.0087800 |
Longitude: | -97.5182700 |
Population: | 64804 |
Elevation: | 16 m |